Sunday, September 18, 2011

One criticism of the text of Howard Gardner - Frames of Mind

!9# One criticism of the text of Howard Gardner - Frames of Mind

If you watched the NBA Finals in 1998, but not in the Chicago Bulls fans, which would have astonished his gracious operations of the air over Michael Jordan in basketball board testimony. In the same context, to hear the brilliant vocal performance by Luciano Pavarotti moved to wonder whether, in fact, intelligence requires special and different, such as sophisticated demonstrations of human ingenuity sample. Or what is necessary with the complex interpersonal skills with a therapist toto establish a relationship with success and assist individuals, and to help make lasting change? For years, particularly in this area, most believe that these talents on the outskirts of real intelligence.

Howard Gardner, Harvard professor and author of Frames of Mind believes that every performance has already spoken of a need for clear and meaningful intelligence. When Jordan retired defensive player while deftly control the ball and jump at the right time for botha foul the opponent and one draw gate, Gardner shows that with regard to the bodily-kinesthetic intelligence. When the score thundering Pavarotti recalls an Italian opera, is based on musical intelligence. A therapist taps interpersonal intelligence in order to meet the needs of this work. There are four other intelligences, of which Gardner claimed to be unique and separate: the logical-mathematical, linguistic, spatial and inter / intrapersonal.Logical-mathematical intelligence is the sensitivity and the ability to recognize and treat, diagrams or numeric, the ability to form long chains of thought. This intelligence would be a mathematician or scientist are required. In contrast, a poet or a journalist who require a high degree of linguistic intelligence: sensitivity to sounds, rhythms and meanings of words, the sensitivity to the different functions of language. Spatial intelligence requires the ability to perceive the visual-spatialaccurately and perform transformations on an initial perception. Explorers like Christopher Columbus was high spatial intelligence are needed to explore uncharted territory. Finally, unique and separate intelligence called inter / intrapersonal allows the understanding of its strengths, weaknesses, desires and intelligences have - a blessing for every therapist, the client can have with so many different information.

In the study of multiple secret, I came across dozensof articles, book chapters and texts similar to the concept of multiple intelligences, Gardner (MI) connected. The basic concepts of the theory of multiple intelligences in Frames of Mind (1983) Limited. According to many researchers as H. Morgan, professor of early childhood in West Georgia College, the theory that multiple factors contribute to what is commonly known as the intelligence is not new (Morgan, 1996). Already in the 18 Century Christian Wolff has written an appetite and facultas facultascognoseitiva - ability and willingness of a faculty of knowledge.

Later, German philosopher third teachers feeling. Language comprehension, word fluency, numerical fluency, spatial ability, associative memory, speed of perception and reason (Miller, 1983) - In 1939, Louis Thurstone of the University of Chicago for seven published independent tests of mental capacity. Observation CP Snow, who had become an intellectual life, organized into two without understanding the otherGroups, caused by literary intellectuals at one pole and the other scientists, even a sensation in 1959. Some intellectuals saw as evidence of our failing education system (Miller, 1983). Gardner said he responded in this limited intellectual means. "I think it was developed with the circumstances in which the intelligence test was to do it was developed to predict who would have problems at school so it is. Is basically a school-type of action, and moreYou try to apply the results of intelligence test environments such as schools - which may be certain types of professional or business associations, the most appropriate of the IQ tests, and more appropriate for the standard definition is included. But once you move outside the school, as the settings, then the standard theory of intelligence is much less appropriate "(Koch, 1996).

According to Miller were also other lists of mental faculties through the school of "common sense" philosophy in Scotland compiledand later in the science of phrenology of Franz Gall in the German school, located at 35 faculties, to be conducted to identify the various parts of the head. But in the middle of 19 th century, the whole concept of individual faculties from the theories of the association of ideas, repressed, and even in America, the efforts of Horace Mann School in vivo phrenological by the end of the 19 st Century (1983 to keep fading ).

History seems to repeat itself and, according to Miller,The theory of myocardial infarction, in their myriad forms, is no exception. In Frames of Mind, Gardner cites the fact Chomsky calls these organs skills, the philosopher Gerald Fedor calls them modules, the British psychologist Allport called production systems. Howard Gardner calls them intelligences (1983). The crucial question is: "Am I or are multiple intelligences, learning styles?" LL Thurstone was the way to the first producers of intelligence tests to the fact that the human body was alsoComplex intellectual activity to be only a single factor Man (Morgan, 1996) determined. Consequently, Thurstone (1938) The primary mental abilities developed the test, the multivariate analysis as a method for the measurement of mental function. Thurn Stone theory was proposed for the joy of Gardner that intelligence can not be determined by measuring a single ability. The practice of intelligence testing has begun to follow the model of Thurstone. Gardner's work has continued tosimilar, perhaps with the exception semantics.

In the analysis of seven different intelligences as Gardner's logical-mathematical intelligence, you discover an interesting parallel in two different cognitive styles. Meyers Briggs in 1940 and began self-report questions designed to perform assessments of personality types and cognitive styles would be. They include greater cognitive theory of style to their buildings typological theory of personality. ThisConcept has been called the gauge type Myers-Briggs (MBTI) (Myers and McCauley, 1985). As mentioned above, logical-mathematical intelligence, Gardner classified as logical or numerical models, the ability to recognize and manage to avoid long chains of reasoning (Gardner & Hatch, 1989). The MBTI identifies these properties as well as cognitive learning styles of different personality types (Morgan, 1996, p. 266) uses. Another learning style, The Independent field approach typesObject Relations in an analytical way with the ability to recognize objects as separate from their context. It is interesting to note that Gardner uses logical-mathematical intelligence is pretty much the same description.

Morgan (1983) shows cognitive theorists are three main types of sensory interaction with the environment. Are kinesthetic, visual and auditory (verbal reasoning). And 'with "verbal thought" we have a confrontation near the linguistic intelligence, Gardner -"The sensitivity to the meanings of words ... (and) the sensitivity to the different functions of language (p. 266).

Gardner musical intelligence in critical, says Morgan (1983), the auditory component of cognitive learning styles seems to be very similar to the sound field, and expression in the description of Gardner's musical intelligence. Also, how do you measure your understanding of the forms of musical expression? Cognitive theorists have also a bit 'skeptical, musical intelligenceEnd States * * based on the fact that different sensory modalities often ripen at different stages of the life of a child, so how can we predict, musical intelligence, based on this * End States? * Also we must not overlook the importance of a child in a house where music is competitively promoted to major. A child, for example, with moderate performance early in life with courage, motivation and interest, could music in old age.

Definition of spatial GardnerIntelligence includes the ability to visual-spatial world accurately and to perceive the changes of initial perception (Gardner, 1983) carried out. In terms of cognitive style, breadth of categorization, Kogan (1976, p. 60) describes it as the capacity limits, either narrow or wide, around a central set of gravity model. According to Morgan spatial intelligence as described by highly compatible with the cognitive style Gardner built between the width and categorization(P. 267). The categorization of people with cognitive styles have a greater ability to perceive the visual-spatial intelligence and the concept of space-suited Gardner. Holtzman & Klein (1954); Holy Steno (1964), Israel (1969) described these attributes as compensation and sharpening. Within the visual modality / figural (spatial reasoning) level and clarity, we discover a striking resemblance to Gardner's "ability to perceive the visual-spatial and perform ...Transformations of an initial perception "(Morgan, 1983. P 267).

There is a striking similarity in Gardner's bodily-kinesthetic category (ability to control his body movements and handle objects skillfully) with the cognitive style research work related to sensory modalities and motor control. Kinesthetic (motor thought), is one of three regimens Fundamental cognitive style as part of linguistic intelligence, Gardner found. Thinking driven as describedThe theory is important in cognitive style, body movement and control (Morgan, 1983, p. 267).

Other criticisms of Gardner's theory of the bodily-kinesthetic performance between the non-competitive and athletic performance, to distinguish in the field. According to paragraph Elias (1979), Einstein (1979), Fiske (1977) to an active sensory-cognitive processing style information for certain individuals, such as those of blacks and Hispanics to get students. In other words, the informationCan be treated for the athlete on the playing field significantly different from a non-competitive situation. These researchers found blacks and Hispanic students generally better results in classrooms, not to mention.

Final intelligence identified by Gardner is the interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence. In short, Gardner is the absence or presence of external (interpersonal) and internal (intrapersonal), social skills as identified cognitive Intelligences .* *Style theorists have defined these properties with the occupied areas of the field-independent and / or field-dependent characteristics of individuals in social situations (Morgan, 1996). Constructs by which individuals define their personal and social world - in contrast to Gardner's theory of inter / intra intelligences are marked in the work of Bieri (1961), the bimodal cognitive style, cognitive cognitive complexity vs. simplicity identified. These constructsCompare with Gardner * The ability to recognize and respond appropriately to moods, temperament and desires of others "(Morgan, 1996, p. 268).

In light of the arguments that is used for multiple learning styles, cognitive intelligence, as opposed to continuing the debate inevitably. Many researchers, educators and practitioners have invested heavily in support of the theory of multiple intelligences. Despite the semantic difference in terms of intelligence or cognitive learning styles, cross-The work was to use Gardner, representative of each factor of silence builds intelligence. In short, Miller (1983) states: "The value of the Frames of Mind is not the answer, suggests that the problems it poses, there are important issues, and the time spent on their time well spent. If your conclusions d 'According to Mr. Gardner. "


Bieri, J. (1961) The complexity - simplicity as a personality variable in cognitive performanceBehavior.
Functions of varied experience. Homewood, Illinois: Dorsey Press

Gardner, H. (1983). Frames of Mind. New York: Basic Books

Gardner, H. & Hatch. (1989). Multiple intelligences in school: the educational implications of the theory of mulitple intelligences.

Educational Researcher 18, (8), 4-10

Holtzman, PS & Klein, GS (1954). Cognitive Systems principles of leveling and aging effects of individual differences in the assimilation of visual errors.Journal of Psychology 37, 105-122

Kogan, N. (1976). Cognitive styles in infancy and early childhood. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum

Miller, G. (1983). Variety of intelligence. New York Times Review. December 25, 5:20

Morgan, H. (1996). The analysis of Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences. Roeper Review. Volume 18.4, p. 263-269

Myers. IB and McCauley, MH (1985). Manual: a guide for the development and use of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Palo Alto, California:Consulting Psychologist Press

Koch, C. (1996). The Bright Stuff. CIO Magazine. March 15

St. Stephen, SG (1964). A study of development of leveling sharpening cognitive control. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 10343-360

Thurston, LL (1938). Primary mental abilities. Chicago: University of Chicago Press

One criticism of the text of Howard Gardner - Frames of Mind

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